Tuesday, September 14, 2010

5 Reasons To Use Delicious.

  1. You can create a network with people of similar interests.
  2. No matter what computer you are on you can access your bookmarks.
  3. You will be able to see what other people have tagged and see if you like them.
  4. It is a great way to organize your bookmarks by adding tags.
  5. If your computer crashes your bookmarks will be saved.


  1. wow thats a great way to put it Jakob! I'm very proud of you, if you want, you can stop by the hospital after school and I'll give you a treat like i usually do when you do good things at school!
    Great Grandma Suzie

  2. Hey jakey,
    It's your boyfriend here. I just logged onto blogger and saw this post, i love watching your posts, they make me so proud to be your boyfriend. Well I've got to go back and work for your father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt, other uncle, other aunt, and everybody else in your family.
    Josh Freedley <3 <3<3<3<3<3
